

Allow users to mark options as checked, unchecked, or indeterminate, accommodating versatile states.


	<script lang="ts">
  import { Checkbox } from "bits-ui";
  <Checkbox.Indicator />
  <Checkbox.Input />
	<script lang="ts">
  import { Checkbox } from "bits-ui";
  <Checkbox.Indicator />
  <Checkbox.Input />

Component API


The button component used to toggle the state of the checkbox.

Prop Default Type/Description
disabled false boolean

Whether or not the checkbox button is disabled. This prevents the user from interacting with it.

checked false boolean | 'indeterminate'

The checkbox button's checked state. This can be a boolean or the string 'indeterminate', which would typically display a dash in the checkbox.



(checked: boolean | 'indeterminate') => void

A callback that is fired when the checkbox button's checked state changes.

Data Attribute Value/Description
data-disabled ''

Present when the checkbox is disabled.

data-state 'checked' | 'unchecked' | 'indeterminate'

The checkbox's state. Can be 'checked', 'unchecked', or 'indeterminate'.


The hidden input element that is used to store the checkbox's state for form submission. It receives all the same props as a regular HTML input element.

Prop Default Type/Description
value false boolean

Unless a value is provided, the input's value will be a boolean that represents the checkbox's checked state. Indeterminate checkboxes will have a value of false.

disabled false boolean

Whether or not the checkbox input is disabled. If not provided, it will inherit the disabled state of the Root component, which defaults to false.


A component which passes `isChecked` and `isIndeterminate` slot props to its children. This is useful for rendering the checkbox's indicator icon depending on its state.